Contact Rules
Contact Import
If you keep a specific contact field header in the CSV file, the existing contact values will be overwritten even if there is no value in that column.
To avoid updating a specific contact field when reimporting your contacts, remove that column from the CSV file.
Contact Merging Rules
1. Primary comes first 2. Always retains name of primary (no need l to divide anything) 3. Email to merge if exist, if different create new and put as sub 4. Phone number to merge if exist, if different create new and put as sub 5. Includes Contact created date, Last Activity, Contact Owner 6. The rest of info, Primary got retain, primary don’t have absorb, certain fields can't merge then ignore, things like tagging can just merge, notes merge, activities merge etc etc
User Broadcast to Contact Tagging Rule
Super Admin: Able to view all user's contact and unassigned contact
User (without role permission to view all contact): Able to view all contacts owned by themselves and unassigned contacts
When user broadcasts out a WA Personal message to specific tagging, the message will not be sent to the contacts that are owned by other users or super admin although the contact has the tagging.
Auto Create Contact
If the auto-create contact feature is disabled, existing contacts in Strive will not be linked to chats or tickets.
Only the Super Admin can enable the auto-create contact option in the Inbox/Inbox Lite module.
If a contact sends a message before this setting is enabled, their chat or ticket will only be linked after they message in again after the setting is turned on.
Once enabled, any new messages from an existing contact with a matching phone number will be automatically linked accordingly. If the contact does not exist, Strive will automatically create a new contact and link it to the Inbox ticket/chat.
If there are duplicate of contact, it will take the first record found and link to the ticket/chat.
Last updated